



Sideswipe Car Accident: Who’s At Fault For It? 

March 25, 2022

Sideswipe Car Accident: Who’s At Fault For It? 
Distractions and unexpected driving conditions can lead to a sideswipe car accident. Knowing the causes of sideswipe car accidents and the Pennsylvania car accident laws can help you navigate the steps to take after to protect your rights.

What is a Sideswipe Car Accident?

A sideswipe car accident occurs when one vehicle swipes the side of another vehicle. This often leads to vehicle damage, including chipped paint or an indentation of the side of the vehicle. A sideswipe car accident can also lead to injuries, especially if one vehicle hits the other vehicle hard enough.

Common Causes of Sideswipe Car Accidents

A few of the most common causes of sideswipe car accidents include:

  • Unsafe lane change: An unsafe lane change occurs when one vehicle changes lanes when it is unsafe to do so. The other vehicle may still be in the lane, leading them to sideswipe them.
  • Distracted driving: Distracted driving can easily lead to a sideswipe accident as one vehicle may swerve into the other vehicle’s lane.
  • Driving under the influence: A driver who is intoxicated may not be aware of nearby vehicles and may turn into the side of another vehicle.
  • Aggressive driving: Aggressive driving, or road rage, can lead to drivers making fast movements, which can lead to a sideswipe accident.

These are just a few of the most common causes of sideswipe accidents. In many cases, it’s the fault of the driver who swerved or turned into a lane when it was unsafe to do so. Sideswipe car accidents are one of the most common types of car accidents, accounting for a large percentage of accidents that occur each year.

Who’s At Fault in a Sideswipe Accident?

It’s common for each party involved in a car accident to blame the other driver, but determining fault isn’t always that easy. While drivers may be quick to blame the driver who made the turn when a sideswipe accident occurs, more information is usually needed to determine who is actually at fault for the accident.

There are a few ways to determine fault following an accident. The responding police officer is likely to include the details of what happened, and their determination of fault in the police report. However, the police report isn’t always final and the police officer may not always have all the information they need.

The insurance company may also make their own accusation of who is responsible for a sideswipe accident. Again though, they may be quick to assign blame and their decision may not always be final.

When Does Fault Matter?

If you believe the other party was at fault, it may be beneficial to reach out to a car accident lawyer. Doing so may help you avoid blame, which can lead to traffic violations or expensive legal fines. Additionally, if either party was injured in the accident, it could lead to a personal injury lawsuit.

In this case, it’s important to find out who is responsible for the sideswipe car accident to determine who’s responsible for the damages. Pennsylvania is a no-fault auto insurance state, which means initially, each driver’s insurance company will cover damages. If your damages exceed the amount allowed through your policy, a personal injury lawsuit may be necessary.

Contact a Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer to Discuss Your Car Accident Case in Pennsylvania

Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries due to a car accident in Pennsylvania? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at The Law Office of Mark A. Smith represent clients injured because of a car accidents in Pittsburgh, Homestead, Erie, Greensburg, and throughout Pennsylvania. Call 412-567-9598 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm




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